Sep 2, 2008

Three Cheers for 100 Yen Sushi!!!

Labor Day was cool for a few reasons:
1)  No School/No Work
2) Pancake Breakfast provided by Church Activities Committee  (No cooking!)
3)  We went to "100 Yen Sushi" for lunch and it was freakin' awesome!!!

Here's how it works;  

You go in and they seat you in a booth.  
On your way to the booth, you stop by the restroom to take your son potty. 

You go back for your camera and enter the bathroom again to take some video this time, all the while hoping no one comes in to see you filming the sink.  But that'll be a whole 'nother post.
You watch as marvelous little dishes of food glide by your table on a conveyor belt.  (Some are more marvelous than others.)You grab whatever you want to eat, and you eat it.  (Cantaloupe and Chicken Nuggets are available for the kids.)  Make sure you grab the plate too, not just the food.  That's how they know what to charge you.   They just count the empty plates! (Most items are 100 Yen.)For special orders, like say dessert, use the little order screen at your table.  

Your Pink Frappe will be delivered shortly via Bullet Train.  The perfect finish, to a perfect meal!!!

Want another taste?  Here ya go!
Don't disparage my video editing techniques...I'm new at this!


  1. Who cares about the sushi - your new blog design is worth mucho yen, my friend!

  2. Nice Babe. And you said you didn't get anything done today. That video was fun to watch and I already lived it.

  3. Sounds like a lot of fun, and I love the video. For a minute there I thought the music was actually the background music at the restaurant...

  4. Wow.

    I could watch that video all day.

  5. That sushi looks awesome - hope that you guys are settling in okay.

  6. I am loving reading about your adventures! Just so you know, I read it all, though I don't often find time to comment. You are funny and you have SO MUCH good stuff to write about.

  7. Your video is great...and I love the song choice! ha ha!

  8. man, the "train" is so cool , i felt like i was watching Mr. Rogers again

  9. Anonymous8:38 PM

    Hi! Did you enjoy 100yen sushi? It's a kind of fun. I like to go 100yen sushi but my kids don't like sushi. Too bad...

  10. Sometimes when I eat sushi, it goes like bullet train through my colon. But that is too much information. I don't know why they don't have conveyored food here in America. It makes everything so exciting.

    How much is 100 yen?

  11. The exchange rate today is 106 Yen for a dollar!

  12. Not sure how I ended up here, but I sure have been having fun.

    We could be friends for several reasons:
    1) I love Nutella
    2) I was a missionary in Japan and so I am living vicariously thru you since I will probably never get to go back.
    3) I hate squatters and I could tell you more, but I won't.
    4) My kids love sushi and are not embarrassed to take "green paper" to school for lunch and eat it plain.

    There are probably more reasons. I'll be back.

    ps I'll tell beeswax why we don't have conveyored food in America. Little American children would be getting their little fingers stuck in the conveyor belt or their hands run over by the dessert train.

  13. I'm so glad to find another fun blog to visit!

    And why don't they have restraunt like that here in the US?!


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