Sep 22, 2008

Dear Chrissy,

Sometimes I think you disparage me on your blog just so I'll post a retort.  

Well, you asked for it!  


I believe your exact words were, "Let's also give credit to Emily who has really good 'organizational intentions' but..."
Yes, those were your exact words.  (I copied and pasted.)

What exactly do you mean organizational intentions!?!?!?!?!  Does THIS look like I simply intended to have an organized closet?!?!?
Sure, the rest of my room looks like this...
but just look at my shoes!!!  (And YES!  My clothes ARE in rainbow order!!!)

Yeah, maybe the the Living Room looks like this... 
but just LOOK at my pantry!!!
"Organizational intentions"...HAH!!!!!!!!!!

My hangers are all BLACK!  My Ikea dishes are in RAINBOW ORDER!  My Tupperware are LABELLED!  What more could I POSSIBLY WANT?!?!  
(Besides clutter free surfaces and walking space on the floor...???)

That'll teach YOU to doubt my mad skillz!

Now where's the mouse so I can publish this stupid post...?

(Yes, I know Max.  We don't say 'stupid'.)


  1. Your closet & pantry look very clean & organized for just moving all the way to JAPAN....... I'll mail you a ticket to come organize ME! MEL

  2. My clothes are in rainbow order too. Makes me feel like I am in the store deciding what to wear.

    My plates are not in any order. Maybe that is because they are paper.

    Good luck with the rest of it. I am totally impressed.

  3. Love the rainbow ordered clothes! Mine have been the same way ever since college...

  4. For some reason that pantry makes me want to move to Japan.

  5. There IS a lot of storage here! It's quite nice! We actually have a LINEN closet and a small storage room upstairs. PLUS a cupboard under the stairs (where Harry Potter lives) and a storage closet outside off the deck where we keep our camping stuff!

    Of course, we still have too much crap and not enough room to store it all, but I'm working on exorcising my inner pack-rat and I'm TRYING to throw/give lots of stuff away!!!

  6. HAHAHAHA!!!!

    Game on!!!!

  7. btw... I gave up on anything organized by color when I married your freakish yet incredibly sexy brother!!!

  8. I am in love with you! And apparently two other bloggers who commented on your post. YOUR CLOTHES ARE IN RAINBOW ORDER!! A kindred spirit! I have to have things organized and that is the solution I came up with a while ago. In fact, as I was reading your post and saw the picture my eyes and heart lit up before you even mentioned the order. I automatically could tell! And in a world where all my closest are pigs and I get teased for being so heart is happier for knowing I am not alone! hahahaha. have a good day in japan!

  9. You have the clothes mixed up you need to do it by color and the shirts need to be near the pants that match them. Unless you are Brandon then you need giranimals so he can match the colors

  10. I'm very jealous of your pantry! I love the can holders, where did you get those? I do have my clothes in colors, didn't think about putting them like the rainbow hmmm guess what i'm doing tomorrow!

  11. Wow - Emily you are organized. I only wish I were there to make your bed. Do you remember yelling at me about making your bed because you were not done sleeping in it? Good Work.

  12. Anonymous8:55 PM

    It's kind of hard to put one's clothes in rainbow order, when most are "ho-hum" grays, black, white, and browns. When I put my red shirt in with the rest, it looks like I stole someone elses shirt. However, I'm happy to report all our white dishes are always in perfect color order, no matter how we put them away, along with our glasses, silverwear and napkins.

  13. Now I need to think of something disparaging to say about you, so I get a post titled Dear Kelly Beeswax.

    I am not even impressed by rainbow order. That's how un-ocd I am. But being able to find stuff is nice.

  14. Emilina, (yes, for all of you who haven't known Emily for more than a couple of years, this is her nick name and you all need to start using it please.)

    Ahem, Emilina, all the organized pictures of "your" house were stolen from the Bed, Bath, and Beyond website. I'm on to you. Notice everyone how all the pictures are real close up so you can't tell that its really NOT her closet/pantry, etc.

    Good try.

  15. So what are these other "things" I have done to cause "blog" retaliation, or post goading!!!!!

    Emilina! I love you!!!!!!

    I am still your favorite SIL right?

    Sorry Mrs. Dub!

    OH!!!! and all of you in the "rainbow" support club... sheesh! I can barely match my clothes!!!

    Way to stick up for Emilia before you even know me!!!!

  16. Dear Everyone,
    Please ignore my evil brother and DO NOT start calling me Emilina. I can't even tell you what it rhymes with, but it's NOT my nick-name of choice.
    Em, Emmy, Emzer, Edward, Eddie-Spaghetti, Ebenezer, Shawna, Hedda, Mud Hen, and Twinkle-Toes are all just fine, though...

  17. Are those two different Tupperware colors in your cupboard? how disappointing!

  18. I am opposite of you. I usually have very organized things in front of the doors, but behind them...aye.

    Please have your friend that just had the baby with Down Syndrome drop me a line (when she is ready). There is a whole new club of moms and supporters that she needs to meet. There are LOTS of blogs out there by moms like us (that was helpful for me..). Also, we love seeing the pictures of these little ones.... I can't wait to hear from her. My e mail is rebeccakbingham at yahoo dot com. :-)

    Japan! You have an adventurous soul.

  19. Lovely closet!! You are the best!

  20. My clothes aren't in rainbow order but I do hang them by colors. I'm glad to know I'm not the only crazy one☺

  21. Anonymous2:11 PM

    I used to follow color coding of clothes...when I liked them. Now I just shove them in and hope they'll get swallowed up in the darkness. I told the other Mr. Dub that I was about to hold my seasonal bonfire and rid myself of all the said sad and disappointing contents of my closet.

    Nanner, S.D. and I took the greatest pics for you about a year ago when you first blogged your ikea rainbow plates. I'll try to go post them on the fam site.But don't hold your breath.

    Please rid your home of the"fleeing the homeland motif". Nice pantry. Can you get us in touch of a good tupperware rep.??


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