Aug 28, 2008

It Wasn't Raining When Noah Built The Ark!*

The other day after church Doug and I wanted to make cookies for some of our new friends. (Or shall I say, the people who will be our friends after being slowly worn down (but fattened up) by baked goods until they finally accept us into their social circle.) 

Unfortunately, we realized we were missing a few minor ingredients; like salt, vanilla, butter, baking soda, baking powder, a mixing bowl and cookie sheets. (But hey, I had chocolate chips and flour!)

So today I went shopping with my mind geared towards stocking the pantry with essentials as well as trying to remember the stuff I threw out, couldn't bring, or gave to my neighbor before leaving. (oil, yeast, salt, corn meal, cookie ingredients, etc.)

But when I walked into the Base Commissary, this is the first thing I saw...


Beautiful, brown, chocolaty, Hazelnutty, fatty goodness in a jar.

The big-size jar!

Then all of the sudden I thought of my friend Marni. She recently wrote a blog post about preparedness and how we need to be ready in case of a disaster. And instantly my mind switched to FOOD STORAGE mode! (For those of you non-Mormons out there, Mormons like being prepared, and we like our preparation to come in #10 cans, wheat barrels, and thousand gallon drums of water.)

I was overtaken with my dire need to start stock-piling food. For the last few months in Rhode Island, I was under the false impression that the Air Force wouldn't transport food so we were busily eating away our very meager food storage. (Come to find out, they'll move just about anything that isn't liquid or flammable.) Consequently we brought very little food with us. No large plastic buckets of whole wheat, no 48-packs of Cream of Chicken Soup.

So here I am, in a foreign land, and if tragedy or a natural disaster strikes, where will I be?

In Japan.  With no Nutella.

So I put 6 jars in my cart.

Then I took 2 out in case people looked askance.
Then I brought it home and added it to what I bought last week.
(Otherwise known as the non-emergency short-term supply.)

And now I feel at peace.

*Today's blog title comes from the saying that was plastered on all the boxes of food we had in our food storage room down stairs. I still remember the 70's style orange umbrella logo.  I believe the brand was Rainy Day Foods...?


  1. You are too funny! Glad to know "someone" is reading! :) BTW - I've learned the hard way, but if you just put a link in your blog with www... and don't include the http://, the link doesn't work. :)

    So here's my link:

  2. oohh, I LOVE Nutella!! I'm jealous you can stockpile it over there.

  3. Very funny! I think I'll go out and buy some chocolate for my food storage!

  4. Love the new look :) MEL

  5. Love the new look! And hey, you are all set now. All you need is a few crepes and some spray whip and strawberries!

  6. that's hilarious. so what's your favorite way to eat it . . .

  7. Leslie,
    Definitely on Crepes! We like to have people over when we make them and the Nutella always goes FAST!

  8. It important, when you start stocking up, to start with the basics.

    I didn't know anyone else kept nutella in their food storage. I have 5 small jars for emergencies. In France last year, I saw a gallon jar, and I really wanted to take it home.

    You know your nutella crepes need bananas, right?

  9. I LOOOOOOOOVE Nutella! Which is why I had to quit eating chocolate in June. I couldn't control myself . . . I still dream of Nutella spread on warm German Brötchen. Mmmmm.

  10. Very cute. Never tried the stuff, but imagine it would last forever. In an emergency you'll be the only chubby family in town with all that fatty goodness.

  11. I was told they wouldn't pack food also...but then they packed everything in my pantry! I had to stop them before they packed the kitchen garbage can WITH THE GARBAGE IN IT! Welcome to Japan (even if you are at the other end -- I'm WAAY down south!) Please feel free to visit my blog at You can also write to me at carolie AT wordmagix DOT com if you have questions about living in Japan!

  12. Nutella and brinner with you guys = AWESOME!

  13. Anonymous8:10 AM

    so funny! but now my mouth is watering and i can't find my keys so i run to the marlet and stock up! or just eat so much of ot that i can live on the weight gain alone!

  14. Dear Nisa,
    Please go to my recipe blog immediately for a fabulous and easy crepe recipe: Top with Nutella, Banana's (as Beezwax so rightly pointed out) and Spray Whip if you're feeling sassy! Then enjoy!


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