Jul 3, 2008

Washington D.C.

Highlights of our trip so far:

Being here for Darren's baby blessing. (And being able to walk to church since it's right down the street!) Obviously, we're the favorite relatives now since we're the only one's who came to the blessing!!!

Swimming at the pool and playing at the park across the street from Jenny's home. AND, not that I've noticed, but Jay's pool has the cutest, nicest, tannest Russian Eye-Candy, I mean, LIFE GUARDS, I've ever seen. (But really, they are super nice guys and play games with all the little kids.)

Going downtown and finding TWO parking spots RIGHT where we needed them!

Seeing the United States Botanic Gardens and the Air and Space Museum for FREE! (EVERYTHING is free here--except the parking!)

A late-night Target run with Jenny.

Watching "North and South" while eating yummy snacks.

The cousins keeping busy for hours building awesome configurations with Braden's GeoTrax.

It's been a great trip so far.

More fun to come!!!


  1. Sounds like it's been a fun visit so far!

    By the way, have you seen the yw blog yet?


  2. Why is her church SO FAR AWAY!!!! I just couldn't deal with that!!!! (hehehehe!)

    I am so glad you are having a great time, and that there is so much for the (Philo) family to do at there new house!!!!!

    Dear everyone I don't know! We live next door to church!!!!! (In case you are wondering about my comment!)

    I find myself way to amusing!


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