Jul 26, 2008

I've always wanted a girl...

Claire had finally had enough. With three older boys in the house, she was feeling severely out-numbered and sick and tired of sword fighting. She brought me a small crumpled "dress-up" and demanded I put it on Gabe immediately.

"Mommy, I don't wanna wear pink!"

"Actually, now that I have it on, it's not so bad! It's really flowy, and I like the tiara!"

"Her name is Gabrielle and she's my friend now."

Claire: "From now on, it's just you and me Gabby!"
Gab: "As long as I can always play in the fireplace..."


  1. okay, he does look pretty unhappy in the first picture but he seems pretty content after that. sorry, doug, but you may have a cross-dresser on your hands. and he'll grow up to be sensitive and artistic and love to garden...wait a minute...this does sound a little bit like your hubby, Em. Are you sure he doesn't have any pink tutu's in his past?

  2. So mean!!!!!!!

  3. Yes Doug. Yes. BTW, he's starting to carry around Claire's princess purse. Is that a problem?

  4. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Oh my, it is being carried on to the next generation. I will post a lovely pic of dougie cross dressing asap. He does look like baby E from the back!!

  5. Look what happens when Doug leaves the kids with you for a few weeks! He does look kind of cute :)


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