Jul 10, 2008

From Montgomery Alabama to Niceville Florida

Well, I made it! I finally reached my destination Tuesday night after what seemed like WEEKS of car travel. The boys and I are finally here in Niceville, Florida. (Right next to Destin.) We stayed in Montgomery, Alabama one night and actually got TWO visit's with Doug on Monday night and Tuesday afternoon. It was hard for me to leave him, but it was NOT hard for me to say good-bye to Alabama! That place made me sweat in a MOST un-ladylike fashion. In fact, I think it's fair to say 'ah wuz sweatin' lahk uh stuhk pig in Ju-ly!' (I must confess, I do like the quaint southern accents!)

(Seriously Alabama! What is your deal?!? Don't you know that 101 degrees with 100% humidity is NOT the way to impress tourists? And furthermore, have you no sympathy for the men and women who have to march around all day in the heat??!!?? Well guess what? You are NOT my favorite state! Take THAT!!!)

Anyway, my experiences of Tuesday are still a little too tramatic for me to want to blog about. Needless to say, when the woman in the passport office told me it would take 4-6 weeks for my passport to come, and that Yes, I'd have to travel to Japan alone with my three kids, without Doug, I about lost it then and there.

Fortunately, Doug's Major stepped in, helped me (us) to finish everything we needed to do, and I was able to leave Alabama and Maxwell Air Force Base behind me and finish my journey to the promised land of white sand beaches. (And more importantly, to the home of my BFF, Angelique who has gratiously taken me in...with my brood.) Which is where I am now.

I think it's safe to say I have a Major crush on Doug's Major. (But it's the strictly platonic, you- saved-my-life-and-sanity, extreme gratitude kind of crush! I have the same crush on our R.I. mechanic. Doug understands. He has the same crush. Don't tell him I told you.)

Anyway, it's good to be in a home again (not that the boys didn't LOVE Hampton Inn's breakfast buffet...) and it's FABULOUS to be with Ang. If only my scrapbooks weren't busy travelling around the world, I could show you a pleothora of pictures of Ang and I through the years. (We've been friends since middle school and were college roommates.)

But more on Ang later. It's late and I no longer drink caffinated beverages so I'm pretty darn tired. I fell asleep while tucking the boys in, missed my nightly call from Doug, and forced myself to stay awake just to update both blogs. Which reminds me: I updated Doug's blog with an e-mail from him. Check it out here!



  1. Try Alabama in a dress and nylons! I served the first 3 months of my mission in Lanette, Alabama - just on the border of Georgia. IN THE SUMMER! I hear ya girlfriend! :) Glad you made it - we miss you up here!

  2. Humidity stinks, that is why both of our families need to end up in San Diego!!

  3. Alabama is the armpit of the south. Next time stay in Georgia. :)

  4. Em, I found your blog and Doug's blog to be impressively entertaining today. More so than usual in fact. It seems that humidity and and excessive heat do your vocabulary well!

    Glad your there safe, and as for Doug, I wouldn't want to run if it were 70 degrees outside!! BLAHHHH!

  5. Anonymous12:40 PM

    I'm so impressed you can keep up your blog with all you guys are doing! I'm glad you survived. I also think it is very funny about Alabama. We are driving to a conference with a couple who are moving to Alabama in 1 year to do a fellowship. I can't wait to talk to them about Alabama today on the ride!

  6. Emily, reading your blogs brought tears to my eyes and a lump in my throat! Wow! What adventures you guys seem to find. We sure love and miss you!

  7. Emily, reading your blogs brought tears to my eyes and a lump in my throat! Wow! What adventures you guys seem to find. We sure love and miss you! I tried to call you but of course your phone is changed. We're praying here for my little brother and you all.

  8. Sorry, I'm still living in the computer dark ages!

  9. I am so jealous you are in Niceville with Angie. I wish I was there with you. I am glad you have finally made it. Now just sit back and enjoy the beach :).

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I don't have a crush on any man. Thanks.


  12. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Honey you ain't lived until you've spent 6 weeks in Dallas TX in 118 degree heat! I'm from Bama and yes for some reason, Mtgy is hotter than a 2 dollar pistol in the summertime! Glad you got it all taken care of though and got to the beach.


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