Jun 21, 2008

Rhymes with "Great's"

Last night we went to dinner at the home of our very good friends. The very first week I went to church here, I met 'the husband'. For the sake of anonymity, we'll call him "Brother First-Counselor-in-the-Bishopric". He was very friendly, introduced me to various members of the ward, and immediately called me to be a primary teacher. (And yet we still became friends!)

His wife I got to know in a different way. We sat in front of their family in Sacrament Meeting a few times, and based solely on one sarcastic/hilarious comment she made, I knew we could be friends.  So I invited their family over for dinner.  When she took my side teasing Doug and laughed at his jokes, (which most people don't know are jokes) I knew we'd be BFF's
It's one of those rare and covetous situations where you and your husband get along with both husband and wife, and the kids all get along with each other. It doesn't happen very often and we're really going to miss them.

Anyway, before I get teary, I'm going to post some pics I took. I was really trying hard to take super cool/hip/edgy/artsy pics like my Cousin Wendy and Fab-Photog-Jen take. But as usual I only succeeded in making them look crooked and out of focus. 
Oh well. 

Here they are:

Babies:  Seth and Gabey

Sweet and funny Heather with brother Seth.  (Doug calls her 'Leather'.)
Joshua and Doug are always discussing similar books and authors they like.  Josh is a super smarty.
Isaiah is a very sweet kid and is always nice to my little boys.  And he's got a great sense of humor.
It's important to note that Leslie is older than Max.  But she still plays with him.  
She reminds me of me as a kid.  Only she's nicer.  But that is TOTALLY my childhood hairstyle.  Cute girl!
This is our most auspicious Good Luck Cookie with Japanese characters.  I may or may not have had more than two pieces.Thanks for the fun night!  Sorry for keeping you up so late.  We'll miss you guys!!!

Must stop blogging and clean the house now!  
Must stop blogging and organize the house now!  
Must stop blogging and get something done now!  
Must stop blogging!!!!

***Not a Mormon?  Want to know what a Bishopric is?  Click here!***


  1. The picture of Isaiah turned out well.

  2. I think those pictures are lovely and amazing!!

    What a wonderful gift to find great friends!!


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