May 27, 2008

An Open Letter to THE MAN (or Woman. Whatever.)

Dear Designers and Manufacturers of Clothing for Male Children of All Ages,  

Can you PLEASE stop making Cargo Pants?  I mean, SERIOUSLY!  I can't take it anymore!  

I know you think there needn't be any variety in the Boy Clothing Department (aka The Rack of Clothing on the Edge of the Girl Department). I know you think that the two brands of identical Cargo Pants offered at Target and Wal-Mart (the only two places I shop) should be adequate.  
But let me tell you something...


Here is what I hate about them...

Those blasted 58 pockets!

They hang open, look messy, collect EXCESSIVE amounts of dirt and sand (which is redistributed all over my house), they're bulky, inefficient, and MOST OF ALL...
they prevent me from being able to fold the pants flat.

And if there is anything I hate, it's crappily folded clothing that doesn't fit nicely in our limited drawer space!!!

SO PLEASE!  Enough with the cargo pants!  Simple 5-pocket jeans and/or shorts will be just fine!  

And feel free to sew the pockets closed.  If my son needs to carry something, I'll get him a man-purse. 


Emily W.


  1. Yeah, they even throw a few cargos into the girl section so I sorta feel your pain. But then I'm usually too busy admiring all the cute girl's clothes to say anything.

  2. i'm with you on this one.

  3. Amen sista! You are too funny! Blogging about cargos! Hey how long do you have left in Rhode Island? I'm not pregnant anymore and can totally road trip it if you want to visit before you go to Japan!

    Jen Jen of 90 Behr.

    Hey you know what? Last time we saw each other we had a combined total of 3 kids. Now we have 6. CRAZY!!!!

  4. Anonymous5:44 PM

    I completely agree with you and I only have a couple pair of hot pink cargos in our girls' supply. Completely annoying!!! I really feel for you.

  5. I AGREE!!!!!!

    You are so wise for your years!!!!!

  6. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Who decides what is in fashion for these little cuties anyway. Obviously not the moms. I finally got the nerve to buy poor Nanners new clothes at Children's Place and ended up with choices of cute capri cargos or cute capri cargos. Now she has kahki and pink cargos? Hmmm What does she need to put in these pockets? Gum, tissue, polly pockets,little pet shop critters? Get a purse.

  7. Hey we call our daughter Nanners too!!!!

  8. Oh my gosh, that was so funny. I guess I really haven't had to deal with that yet. But if I do ever have a boy, I now know what to avoid!

  9. Can't say I've had this problem with the boys cargos-- I don't buy them. My problem now is the big legs on the boys pants and drag on the ground.

  10. Add my sig to that too!

  11. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Ah yes! I love cargos for me, not for my boys.

  12. They will still make cargo pants even though mothers everywhere hate them. The real problem is how much little boys love to put JUNK in their pockets.

    I'm trying to train my boys to carry men purses, but its not going so well.


  14. Please tell me where your kids plan on putting their 58 items if they don't have the 58 pockets.


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