Apr 24, 2008

What Spring Looks Like...

...in our neck of the woods.

One of the best things about all the bright green leaves sprouting, is that they hide all of our neighbors. In a few more days, we wont be able to see them (or their side-yards full of junk) and they wont be able to see us. We'll be alone again on our private island in the woods!

That is...until we leave for our own little not-so-private island in the middle of the ocean.


  1. Maybe someone will by your house now because it is so secluded from neighbors. That would totally be a buying point for me because, I don't like neighbors!!

    NO offense to all my neighbors who might read this most wity blog, but you smell, and your dogs are ugly!


  2. Anonymous7:45 AM

    We are tempted to ring our "home" in large pines...but the lovely homeowners ass.(pun intended)will fine us. How about our neighbor with the miniature horse dog that barks 24/7 and she doesn't get fined? Where is the balance? I'm ready for 2&1/2 acres in ocean front property. Can you arrange that, Em? Plus can you just send the little bro and you stay here? He won't miss out on too much...


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