Feb 1, 2008

Quick Thought

The other day when I was thinking about President Hinckley I pictured him when seeing Heavenly Father for the first time and saying with a twinkle in his eye "Is this because I re-used my last talk?"


  1. Hey, I finally just got caught back up on your blog. I love, love this picture of President Hinckley. What a wonderful person. We miss you guys! We'll miss you even more when you're in South Africa but I have always wanted to go there . . .

  2. Or I could see him saying, "Is this because I knighted President Eyring in General Conference?"

  3. Emily, At BYU we watched a short clip of all the funny things Pres. Hinckley said at devotionals. One comment was that he was giving the same talk again because it was the first time for many freshman, so he announced that he was "giving a moment of silence" for all the irritated people to get up and leave. It was hilarious! There was no moment of silence, just laughter.
    Whoever you are. JK Did that really happen?!! That is even more hilarious. I am gullible, so you are going to have to tell me.

  4. Yes. In the last General Conference when President Eyring was called as a counselor he walked back to his chair and with his cane pretended to knight him. It was hilarious. I think you can see pictures of it online.

  5. Em, you are so funny! I could totally see Pres. Hinckley saying that too!!

  6. HA-HA! I loved Pres. Hinkley's sence of humor AND yours!!!!

  7. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Thanks, Em. That actually made me cackle.

  8. Nice! Lol! That probably should have been a tip off to all of us.


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