Nov 13, 2007


Today I made a tactical error. I sat down to nurse Gabe in the family room without first securing the remote control.

Sam was watching Playhouse Disney's Little Einsteins which I love. So no problem. But about a minute after I sat down it ended and something new started. Something horrible. Big problem. I'm stranded on the Lazy-Boy (nursing a tiny lazy boy) and the remote is out of Sam's reach. I felt my eyes start to bleed, but there was nothing to be done. I had to watch...


Have you ever seen Doodlebops? It's one of the shows my kids aren't allowed to watch because it lacks artistic appeal...and it's obnoxious. Oh, and because if you're prone to seizures, I'm pretty sure the acid-trip-inspired set will trigger one instantly.

What's that you say? You like this show?* No, no you don't. You don't like it. Because although Moe, Deedee, and Rooney all have skin painted different colors, and even though they all dance around with instruments and pretend to play, and even though they sing peppy, obnoxious songs, this show has no redeeming value.

Need a little more convincing? This is the chorus of one of their songs that I had to hear repeated about 58 times to a pseudo hip-hop beat:

You're my heeeeero, and
you're my frieeeeeeeeend,
and I'll look up to you
again and again...

Enough said.

Don't even get me started on "Yo Gabba Gabba".
*Also, don't trust your kid's opinion. Kids eat their own boogers.


  1. Acid trip.

    I made it through about 30 seconds of that show once and it was hensforth banned forever. I am so very sorry that you had to endure it for so long. I hope your sanity returns soon! =D

  2. i was frightened one day while flipping the channel so i must second your emotions.

    then again, i vowed my kids would never watch "teletubbies" and miss dub is now a huge fan. uh-oh!

  3. Ahahahaha :) I HATE when that happens! Sometimes, Ryan is good enough to bring the remote to me, but most times I'm stuck with whatever is on if I forget to grab the remote! (Same for the phone!! FORGET it if Ryan answers the phone!)

    Ric and I both think that Rooney and Moe have a thing for each other! hehe

  4. Ha Ha. That show really bites.

  5. Oh, come on. It could be much worse! I actually don't hate the Doodlebops. They're not my fave, but they're Canadian so that explains a little. And Mollie totally digs Yo Gabba Gabba so I've succumbed and just try to block it out.

  6. Anonymous12:13 PM

    I don't know what your problem is Miss Em! I could nurse and walk around the house, do dishes, make-up and even vacuum at the same time if necessary! That with my hands tied behind my back.

  7. I TOTALLY agree. Doodlebops is not approved in our home. I wonder how it is even on the air. Seriously scary.
    your cousin,

  8. Anonymous6:44 AM

    I must say, that show is just plain freaky! I agree with all of your comments.

  9. I am SOOOO with you. Just the commercials made me want to never, ever have that show on. FYI: Bunny town is almost as bad.

  10. Never seen it, but I am sure that Abby and Emma would be all over it. Anything that is acid-trip inspiring seems to have a gravitational pull to my girls. I will keep them far, far away.

  11. Anonymous1:00 AM

    Please get started about Yo Gabba Gabba. Because while waiting with my wife in the hospital during a non-stress test for our first and only child the two of us caught an episode and before we even knew what it was we thought it was great. The music it seemed to me was more advanced than any children show I’ve seen, (in fact I understand they legitimate musicians (i.e. The Shins) play as guest on the show sometimes) and the characters were equally interesting. My wife right away said the she thought they'd make cute toys (when the toys come out and I'm sure they will they're going to make a killing). She even wondered out loud about the possibility of doing our sons room in a monsters and robots a la Yo Gabba Gabba theme. Either way I'm afraid I really don't understand what you might mean by don't get me started, unless of course you can’t say enough good things about the show. Now I'll give you I've only seen two episodes and basically all of the morning programming on nickelodeon is nearly incomprehensible but I have rather enjoy what I saw from the two episode I've seen. In the spirit full discloser I should say I'm a friend of an editor for the show but as I mention before my wife and I were impressed before we knew what the show was. So there you go that’s my two bits any way I guess that’s what these blog things are for – offering your two or more bits. We’ll see how I feel about Yo Gabba Gabba or any the others children programs once my son gets to be old enough to want to watch television.


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