Oct 15, 2007


Recipe blogs seem to be all the rage these days, and although I'm no gourmet chef, (Doug is a MUCH better cook than I am.) even I have one. Granted, it only has about 5 recipes on it, but I'm planning to add many more. Not because I think people will start flocking to it, mostly just because I like having my recipes on the computer and in one spot.

ANYWAY, to my point: After I had Gabe, we were the lucky recipients of MANY super yummy dinners. (Being a Mormon has serious perks.) One meal we really loved came from my friend Jenni and she has the recipe posted on her blog, HogieWogie. After months of cravings, I finally made it and not only was it pretty darn easy, it was as DELICIOUS as anticipated!

***Here is the large meal we received in many large disposable containers:***

Mediterranean Gyro Chicken
Wheat and White pita pockets
Tzatziki Sauce (Greek yogurt with cucumbers and seasoning for the chicken)
Rice pilaf with Orzo. (She said it was from a box but it must have been a great brand because we thought it was homemade.)
Greek Salad with olives and a very yummy dressing
The best, most dense, rich, yummy Chocolate Cupcakes I've ever had.

I think that's everything. Boy oh boy was that a yummy meal. The hardest part of making this was remembering to buy fresh dill and then finding the Tzatziki sauce. (Though I hear it's very easy to make with plain yogurt.)

It was worth it. It was to die for. Next time I'll double the recipe because we didn't have nearly enough left-overs.

Here is the link to the Chicken Gyro recipe on her blog. It will soon be posted on my recipe blog.
ENJOY! (That is an order.)

***If you have a baby and I'm assigned to bring you dinner, you will recieve Chicken, Broccoli, and Rice casserole. Possibly a can of apple sauce if I have one. I'm a one dish kinda girl and sides go beyond the scope of my abilities. Sorry in advance.


  1. That sounds pretty yummy to me (post pregnancy, of course...right now I can barely keep anything but applesauce down), but did your kids like it?

  2. Anonymous7:41 PM

    haha! that is sooo funny cuz that is what you broght us when i had our baby and that is what you made when we came over for dinner!lol and there wasn't a side! haha!! but man was is GOOD!!! miss u guys:0(

  3. Charlotte,
    "Like" is a strong word when it comes to my boys and any food remotely healthy. I think they liked it as much as it's possible for them to like any chicken dish!!! Which is to say, they ate it with minimal complaining and no gagging.

    (I think most kids would like it!)


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