Oct 11, 2007

Pop! Goes the Gabey

I have this little trick I use to successfully take a shower (when I bother to take a shower)without any children getting into mischief or maiming one another. This is based on a precedence of mischief and maiming...not just being overly cautious.

I wait until Max is at school. One less boy equals half as much trouble. Then I turn on the magic hypnotizer (PBS) for Sammers. Next, I stick Gabe in his bouncy seat in front of the T.V. But NOT watching the T.V. I put him facing Sam. That way, Sammy-Boy is entertained watching a show, and Gabe is entertained watching Sam. (Sam can be quite animated talking back to the television.)

Usually this works like a charm. Until today. When I got out of the shower, it was quiet...which is a good sign. But when I walked into the family room, I saw Gabe had twisted himself around so he could watch Curious George. His neck was so twisted it looked like his head was ready to pop off. His eyes were glazed over and a little drool was collecting in the corner of his mouth.
Hmm...seems that my brilliant plan wasn't so brilliant.

So at the risk of turning a third boy into a complete television addict at such a young age, I guess I'll just wait until Saturday to shower. 5-6 times a week is overkill anyway.


  1. maybe if you just wait to shower untill the boys are of age to leave the house, it will be a motivation to go to collage. Just a thought. FHP

  2. It is so hard to figure out WHEN to take a shower. i always tell myself, just get up before everyone and get ready! Well I am still telling myself that and it will NEVER happen....Anout the wanting a boy...I really want a boy. I thought we were done, but my husband and I both a few weeks ago at the same time had the feeling that we need 1 more. I am scared because mine are so far apart, but it will work out. Amd it would be so AWESOME if we had a boy......

  3. LOL! I can't find time for showers either... they're overrated anyway!

  4. showers are overate. I don't think I took one for like 3 months after Emma was born. Well, maybe just a few.

  5. Haha. Do I need to come back?

  6. 5-6 times a week? LUCKY!


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