Oct 5, 2007

Mom My Ride

My ride has totally been Mommed.


  1. I laughed so hard at this video. My ride has been completely mommed. My little heroes took a hammer to our car during the remodel of our home. So I now have a lovely dent behind one of the sliding doors. Their latest addition was breaking a stick of some sort in the passenger lock, so I can no longer use the key in it. Where does all of the stuff come from? I think they believe that they have to bring half of their toys and books with them wherever we go. The kids have won the rights to our van. By the way, I'm Pete's wife (I believe that Pete and Doug were roommates Doug's freshman year/Pete's 1st post-mish year).

  2. Hi Pete's Wife!
    Not only has my s-t-u-p-i-d van suffered most of these trials, in addition, it's been colored inside and out with crayons. That's right, someone (who will remain nameless *cough*Sam*cough*) even scribbled on the license plate. Yep, I have crayon on my license plate. Yep, I am one hip momma.

  3. Yeah...and she has the toy car scratch on the side...except it was a delivery van and she did it herself!

  4. Awesome! I was so glad Mike was watching this! HAHAHA!!

  5. wait ...this happened to me when got married, five years before we had kids.


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