Sep 23, 2007

then I realized that it was my hair that was making my head hot

Gabe: "Look Jaren! My mom is taking our picture!!! Isn't she a hottie!?! Woot!"
Jaren: "She's alright. My mom's hotter."

Jaren: "Dude, what just happened? Why is it so cold in here all of the sudden?"

Gabe: "I dunno, but I feel like I need to take a bath..."

*dedicated to Diane


  1. Anonymous12:31 AM

    hahahahahahahahaha. impressive.

  2. I will have to link this post on my blog. It's fantastic!! Jaren is so scary without hair! I will show this to Stephen to make him realize the horror that buzzing his head would create.

  3. I miss all things Arrested Development.

  4. That is the most amazing hair on a baby I've ever seen! I had to enlarge the photo just to make sure it was real!

  5. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Gabe looks like an Elvis Presley baby.

  6. So very adorable... That's some great hair. And Japan?!? Wow. That will be a great adventure! Any local Japanese language classes in Rhode Island? :)

  7. that scared me for a sec.

    give gabey my love


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