Jul 30, 2007


Seriously. A ten pound LOG of beef.
I mean, I know I'm partially to blame. I bought the grotesque thing. But COME ON Sam's Club! Give me a break! A slightly smaller size wouldn't hurt!
Am I the only one who finds this gross?


  1. Anonymous9:06 PM

    Excuse me, I think I just threw up in my mouth.

  2. haha that's pretty funny. What do they expect us to do with that?? Very nasty!!

  3. ummm, exactly WHY did you buy it?

  4. Well - raw meat always looks gross, but that is extra yucky!

  5. ummm, no. Not in a million years would I buy a log o' beef - not even if my family were starving to death (at least we'd all die together, right?)!! Please tell me you'll wear 10 layers of rubber gloves when you touch it!!

  6. Nobody panic. After making gourmet hamburgers for grilling last night, I dissected the log into one pound portions, put 'em in ziplocks, and stuck them all in the freezer. The log is no more.
    And I bought it because it was my only option and I did NOT want to stop at ANOTHER store!!! Savvy?

  7. At least Costco sells a big bag of individually wrapped one pound logs! You can squeeze them out into the pan without ever having to touch the meat. I can't believe you bought that nasty looking thing!

  8. Okay - I have to say it doesn't look all that bad to me. I'm the type who does buy stuff like that then divvies it up into smaller portions in the freezer. I just go through it so darn fast. But yes, it looks like my legs are going to look in another fifty years - disgusting.

  9. I'll raise your four hundred pound beef hunk two "oddly shaped hairballs" retrieved from down my sink over the weekend. Still can't figure out which is more disgusting.

  10. Anonymous8:29 PM

    any time i need a good laugh i come to your blog:-) miss u

  11. Good H-burgers though!


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