Jun 27, 2007

Weekend In Review

Friday: Strawberry picking at Salisbury Farm with friends.

Saturday: Faezer flys back to town for the last leg of her month-long East Coast Adventure. Doug had a dental conference so I drove to Boston without him, (but with the three boys) to pick her up at Logan Airport. We drove around the city a little (saw "Cheers") then stopped at Boston Common where we ate hotdogs and played at a playground.

Sunday: Gabriel's Baby Blessing!!! He looked extremely dashing in an outfit borrowed from his buddy Jaren. We were dismayed to find that not one of our siblings showed up in Rhode Island for the event dispite the two-weeks notice and e-mailed invite! How RUDE! Spent all day making a bloody Strawberry Pie for my husband. Luckily it was good. Then sat around trying to remember what we were forgetting. (Our friends' farewell party...whoops)

Monday: Grandma Fae sews up a storm and turns out a Pirate Booty Bag, Pirate Cloak, and new baby blanket. Max is ecstatic. I get a cute short haircut after 7 years of trying to get the okay from Doug. (I'll take a picture the next time I get all purdied up.)

Tuesday: One last trip to Christmas Tree Shops with my mom before her evening departure. She gives me money to hire my babysitter to clean the house in preparation for house guests arriving late p.m. Jessica saves the day! (I try to help inbetween nursing sessions and dinner preparation and fail miserably.) Our good friends arrive from Ohio with their two little boys.

Let "Boy Fest 2007" commence!


  1. You are such a cute family! Congrats on the blessing (Andrew's will be in August) and enjoy Boy Fest 2007!!

  2. i love strawberries. they rock! and i wasnt to see your haircut!


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