Jun 28, 2007

New Hair

Ta Da!

(This last shot was taken at Roger Williams Park in Providence. The boys are wearing adorable new shirts from Target via Aunt Jenny. The temp. and humidity were both around 100 which is why all three boys are completely wilted...as is my hair.)


  1. OH! SO cute! You look so good with your 3 little boys!

  2. Anonymous10:48 PM

    That is way cute Emily! I wish my hair would look that cute. I'm a serious hair-hater (my own) right now. =(

  3. You are a HOTTIE!

  4. Very cute haircut, I'll share with you something one of the Brownie moms said to me after I chopped off my hair postpartum. "How come all new moms cut their hair short?" She should know, she has a kid...is it really that mind boggling to not understand why someone with no time would choose to spend less time on themselves and look even cuter?!!

  5. super cute.

    and for the record, it doesn't matter what doug thinks.

    i mean, when it comes to hair, of course.

  6. Anonymous4:13 PM

    I'm loving it! Doesn't the big Bug like it?? If he doesn't we'll shave his head next time we're all together. Or braid it like Mr. Dub's when he was little.

  7. I love it! Makes me want to cut my hair

  8. i love your hair

  9. DUDE!! remember that family that just moved in that i was telling you about? well one of the boys has that shirt! that's so funny. hehe.

    I love you new hair, btw.

  10. Anonymous8:48 AM

    love the hair! sorry we didn't get a chance to meet up before we moved. Hopefully we can get together in the future!

  11. Wait, temperature GOES all the way to 100? And what is this humidity I keep hearing about?

    Hair looks stunning, btw.


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