May 31, 2007

What Faezer Has Done So Far...

She has:
Held Gabriel, gazed at Gabriel, bathed Gabriel, cooed at Gabriel, changed Gabriel, been peed upon by Gabriel, and then held Gabriel some more.

Finished "My Sister's Keeper" by Jodi Picoult which I got for her at the library, (it takes place in Providence and is an EXCELLENT book.) and has started "I Am A Mother" by Jane Clayson Johnson. (I just got this from my Mother-in-law, read it and loved it.)

Watched "Indiscreet" with Cary Grant and Ingrid Bergman while ironing shirts for Doug. (Shirts that have never seen the hot side of an iron before, I might add.)

Mended a baby blanket and a pair of Maxwell's jammies.

Folded piles of laundry much to my chagrin and relief.

Read numerous books to Max and Sam, watched Max and Sam play, supervised Max and Sam painting, given Max rides to school, and stayed with Sam while I've given Max rides to school.

Eaten yummy food including a delectable dinner at "Iggy's Doughboys and Chowder House" by the beach.

On the agenda for the rest of her trip: More of the same PLUS a trip to Christmas Tree Shop's, (a New England must-see) a few visit's to Boston, more eating out, and I'm going to try to get her on the trampoline. I'll also try feebly to convince her to stop doing laundry. (Hopefully she won't agree to that last one.)


  1. Anonymous4:25 PM

    Love your new backdrop. :) So glad that your mom is there to help. Tell her hi for me. I love the pics. of little Gabe & the rest of your sweet little family.

  2. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Nice new background! Are you trying to be as hip as Mrs. Dub? Since she is on vacation and you are just sitting around doing nothing-I guess you might as well make your blog cuter than hers. As for the Fazer... Wow. I'm tired just hearing all she is doing. What great moms we have. The bestest! Could we get a few pics of the angel boy and his brothers??

  3. Anonymous8:02 AM

    I love your mom. She's my fae-vorite. Get it?! FAE-vorite?!
    PS- have you heard Erasure's new album?

  4. I didn't like Indiscreet. How 'bout you? The only other Cary Grant movie I don't like: That Touch of Mink.

  5. I didn't actually watch more than five minutes of it. I was upstairs doing dishes while she was downstairs ironing. Max liked it though...he made her watch it again with him.

  6. Love the new look...

    Your mom sounds amazing! Maybe I should let my mom come stay...

  7. New pics of Gabe coming soon!

  8. congrats on the new baby, and i am excited to have you join pink christmas this year.

  9. I just realized that Gabe is a month old!! Wow! I don't understand how a month feels like a year when you're pregnant, but feels like a minute with your baby! Congrats on your one month old!


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