Apr 30, 2007


Today is the last day of my pregnancy! I went to the Doctor this morning and she'll be inducing me early tomorrow. I am really excited and really freaked out!

But mostly excited for the reasons listed in
this post. Speaking of which, my friend Ginger commented that she wanted to know some of the things I LIKE about being pregnant. Well, it's taken me awhile, but here's my list:

1. It's much easier to crush milk cartons since I weigh twice as much now.

2. I can demand insane amounts of food and blame the baby. (I intend to do this while nursing, though, too.)

3. It's fun to watch my belly undulate. (When it's not causing painful contractions or the immediate need to pee.)

4. I get an adorable little baby out of the deal. (Of course, adoptive mothers also get adorable babies AND they get to keep their cute belly buttons.)

So, I guess what I'll miss the most is the ease of bottle crushing.

That's all I've got for ya, G.

I'm sure I'll be back to posting in a few days. In the mean time, WISH ME LUCK (and a small-headed son)!!!


  1. Good luck and CONGRATULATIONS tomorrow! Get a good nights sleep and enjoy your birth experience! (HaHa) I can't wait to see pictures of your little man! Good luck and here's to a small head!!

  2. hooray!!! may your son's head be the size of a pin - even if it's only so I can call him pinhead. my kids (as you know) have HUGE noggins, so I wish you all the best.

  3. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Happy labor & delivery. Your little guy will be born on my dad's b-day & Shawn's too!:) Best wishes. Love ya EM! Can't wait to see pics.:)

  4. put the pitocin to the metal, sis!

    can't wait to meet the lil' guy ... good thing they're keeping him lil'.

    call us STAT.

  5. :) susie ning just recently had her baby boy! his name is (spelling might be wrong?): simon andrew ning

    i'm telling you. mormon pregnancy season is totally not a myth! good luck emy<3

  6. Anonymous9:31 PM

    The only thing almost as wonderful as being the mother of a newborn is being the Auntie of a newborn. And it sure doesn't hurt so danged much. Yeah for neices and nephews. Sure wish I could hold him and smell that freshly bathed baby smell. Does Bath and Body make a spray for that? You are the woman Emy! Anyone so petite and stick thin that can deliver a 7.8 lb boy is The WOMAN in my book!! What do you easterners say? You are wicked awesome.

  7. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Its the food thing for me all the way! I love the excuse of eating and getting fat. Oh, the naps, too. I love preganancy naps. Anyway, you are all done with that now. Congrats on little Gabe and good luck with the breastfeeding (Ouch).


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