Mar 4, 2007

Heading Down South!

Tomorrow morning early we take off for our family vacation in Florida!!! We'll stay in Orlando for the first three days and hit Disneyworld, then head Northwest to Niceville for the rest of the week. Why Niceville? Well duh! It's NICE! (And that's where my friend Ang, who is graciously taking us in, lives. Little does she know what she's in for.) If I don't get a chance to blog while we're there, I'll definitely write a full report when I get home! In the meantime, as they say down south..."Have a MAGICAL day!"


  1. Anonymous7:22 PM

    I have 1 word for you: JEALOUS!!!!!!!!! A few more words too: Have tons of FUN!!!!!!! :)

  2. Anonymous4:11 AM

    sososososososososoooooooo jealous!!

  3. YEA!! Have fun!!!

  4. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Was this trip top secret? Is there a communication gap going on here? Don't shut me out? And have a great time. We'll talk next year. Love

  5. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Fine, shun your loving sibs and go to DWorld instead of coming to Utah! See... {weep} if we {sniff} care... {bawl}.

    Have fun Emzer. We love you [anyway].

  6. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Oh, I am also jealous! Tell Ang hi for us!


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