Feb 8, 2007

Why Do I Love February?

Because it's my BIRTHDAY MONTH!!! And when it's my birthday month, I might get unexpected GIFTS!
Like yesterday for example! I came home from picking up Max at preschool to find an Amazon box on the porch. Max took it inside and excitedly asked who it was for.
Knowing I hadn't ordered anything I said, "Probably Daddy..." and started to put it aside. But it IS my birthday month so I took a peek and saw MY name!
"Hmm." I thought, "Maybe Doug bought something but used my account so it came to me. I probably shouldn't open it.
Then again, it has my name on it...what if it really is for me from someone else?
But then, what if it's from Doug and it's for my birthday and it's supposed to be a surprise and it's not supposed to have come with my name on it???
Well, I guess that's not my problem because it DOES have my name on it!
That's it...I'm opening it! If it's supposed to be a surprise, too bad!!!"
(During your birthday month you are entitled, nay, EXPECTED to be a Birthday Brat!)

So, with Max looking on, I opened it to find a beautiful children's book. "Classic Fairy Tales" Illustrated by Scott Gustafson. The Amazon invoice had a note from one of my best friends* and bridesmaids saying it was an illustrator she loved and thought I would love too. (She obviously knows me well and knows I'm OBSESSED with children's books.)
She was right. The illustrations are awesome!!! It is beautiful. And it really was a birthday present for me and I really was justified in opening it!!!
When Doug came home we both perused it together and even looked up the artist on-line to learn more about him. I'm holding it even as I type. (I may or may not allow my children to touch it with their grubby mitts in the future, but not just yet.)

Awesome friends...another reason I LOVE FEBRUARY!!!
*This same friend (along with two others) made the week of my 17th birthday one of the best I've ever had. They went above and beyond the call of duty by kidnapping me (complete with face masks for them and a blindfold for me) to take me out to eat, decorating my house when I was gone one day, and showering me with gifts. This was when I had only lived in California for two months and was still desperately missing my life and friends in SLC, UT.
You rock Wahine! I Love you!!!


  1. Happy Birthday Emily! What day is your b-day? What a great friend! Hope you keep getting those happy surprises!

  2. Anonymous1:26 PM

    oh man, I suck! I didn't send you anything! Except, of course, my undying love, which I send to you through brainwaves everyday. Do you get them?


  3. I did buy you a present form Amazon and if you are nice enough you may get it. Long Live The Birthday Brat!!!!

  4. My birthday is tomorrow, Lindsay. (the 9th)

    And Wendy--I SWEAR I didn't write this to make anyone feel bad! I REALLY don't expect gifts! (except from Doug, of course.) That's what made it so great, because it was totally unexpected! (and undeserved and unearned.)

  5. Anonymous9:45 PM

    To all of you slackers who claim to be Emily's friends...Wahine record is the greatest person alive (and so is her husband). She is the best at birthdays. Weewee is lucky to have her (and her husband) as a friend. Happy birthday weewee.

    BTW..Dr. Bartimaeus is a big fan-fic nerd!

  6. Anonymous6:16 AM

    Happy Birthday, Em! I love you muchly. I can't wait to see you and your adorable family soon. It was 70 degrees here yesterday, will that be a problem? (I have to rub it in while I can because is been cold in FL for the last week and a half.)

    PS Doug... I'm officially submitting a request to extend the "Birthday Month" into March. "Birthday Month" is more of a technical term anyway. Maybe we could make it a birthday trimester?

  7. Happy Birthday Emily! I hope you have a wonderful day and funfilled day.

  8. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TODAY!!!!! So, how old are you? =) Hope your day is great!


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