Feb 28, 2007


Max: "Thanks for the yummy dinner, Mom!"

Me: *gush* "You're welcome, Sweetie!!!"

Max: "I didn't really like it, but I knew I had to eat it..."

(for more great Max quotes, see Doug's blog.)


  1. Apparently, his has the meaning of yummy mixed up. Oh well, at least it gives you a fleeting sense of pride. Love that Max!

  2. That is the best thing I've heard in a long time. Take that!

  3. Oh my goodness...does he every say anything that isn't funny? He's such a cutie!

  4. Of course he says funny stuff -- he's a Warner. And he has been studying under my understudy. So he comes from a long line of comedic geniuses. Buy my tapes!

  5. Anonymous4:54 PM

    Wow I feel liberated now that I can once again see the letters to verify! I know how Kris must feel when she visits this blog. Discriminated against. Don't dis the disabled, Em.


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