Jan 15, 2007

He Said, She Said

What I said:
"Hey Doug! I bought a new calendar today...it’s a Mary Engelbreit one. Not because I’m all that in love with Mary, it just reminds me of my mom 'cause she loves ME."

What he heard:
(To the tune of the "Meow Mix" theme song.)
"Meow, meow, meow, meow,
meow, meow, meow, meow,
meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow..."

What he said later:
"What's this? You bought a Mary Engelbreit calendar? Are you turning into your Mother???"


What I said:
"So while I was at the mall today I bought the boys some new shoes. Stride Rite was having a clearance. They’re really expensive shoes, but I got them cheap. They even gave me an extra $5 off because one of Sammy’s shoes doesn’t light up!"

What he heard:
"I bought new shoes…really expensive. Blah blah."

What he said later:
"Hey! One of Sammy’s shoes doesn’t light up!!!"


What I said:
"Did you hear they’re coming out with a new i-Pod phone?"

What he heard:
(In Charlie Brown's parent's voice)
"Waht waht wa wah wah wah."

What he said later:
"Hey Em! Come see this! They have a new i-Pod phone!!!"



  1. hee hee. those are classic.

  2. That is so identical to the coversations that Nate and I have. When he makes the "duh" comments after my comments I just give him a blank stare until he realizes I must have already told him the same thing two hours ago. boys, sheesh!

  3. LOL!!! I feel that way all the time. Sometimes I will ask a question, then sit there and wonder if I should repeat it over and over until I get a response at all!!

  4. Anonymous3:31 PM

    HAHAHA!!! so funny emily!!

  5. Anonymous3:52 PM

    This is also us EXACTLY.

    I'm glad I'm not the only one. =)

  6. hey Emily, this is your cousin Stephanie (Hoffman Farr). Completely hillarious post!

  7. Love this post! My husband's favorite thing at the end of the day is to get in bed, stick in his earplugs, then ask me how my day was. Then he smiles and nods while I rant about what an insensitive jerk he is.

  8. This was too funny! I made Jed read it last night. He laughed cause he knows that's exactly how he is!!

  9. I told Michael about this and he said, "Well, now you know why Doug and I get along so well."

  10. Still trying to figure out how to repond...

  11. Anonymous10:27 PM

    This sounds so familiar! It also makes Doug's blog make sense. I looked at his before yours and didn't get his quote about meow meow.

  12. all these ladies think that they're in the same boat, but as someone also married to a Dub man ... i can attest that it's on a much grander scale. when i speak, i can almost hear the white noise he's listening to.

    (but to both their credit, they married very loquacious women.)

  13. This same phenomenon occurs when I read your blog. For example, when I read this post all I read was: In the bowl of a double boiler set over simmering water, combine the butter and chopped unsweetened chocolate. Stirring often, heat until melted and smooth. Remove from the heat and stir in the sugar and salt. Add the eggs and vanilla and stir until well blended. Fold in the sifted flour and stir just until the flour disappears. Stir in the semisweet or bittersweet chocolate chunks.

  14. P.s. I'm sure he will pay more attention when you have something good to say.

  15. I love you brother!!!

    (I think that in the midst of their loquaciousing they add things later on and try to hold us acountable)

  16. Them's fightin' words, Dave!!! You better watch your back, 'cause I'm super tough and dangerous!!!

  17. Anonymous3:26 PM

    Hey Em! There is a known earwax problem in this family - didn't you know! Maybe you weren't listening when we reviewed the prenuptial agreement. It has to do with too many pencil erasers.

  18. Anonymous3:28 PM

    PS anyone who reads novels in the midst of a family gathering has no grounds to complain about non-attentive behavior. Then again I guess Buggie does that too. OK so you two were meant for each other. SHHH I'm reading my scriptures.

  19. Nephi was likewise persecuted by his siblings!

  20. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Can I get some of what Underhill just made. Yummmm. I didn't know Em had her own show.

  21. Anonymous8:12 PM

    I have to add, it is all the same! Boys are boys, always the same! They don't LISTEN, just like kids!


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