Dec 6, 2006

Happy Birthday Maxwell!

Flashback: Five years and two days ago I was working in HR at UVSC. My mom was in town waiting for her baby's first baby to be born. The night of the fourth, after work, we did a little shopping. I was having contractions, but feeling fine. That evening around 10, the contractions were getting pretty painful (I DO NOT do well with pain) and close together so we all piled into the car and headed to UVRMC in the snow.

I wont go into the gory details of the next few hours. Suffice it to say, Maxwell Douglas was born the next morning around 7 a.m. He was the most beautiful baby I'd ever seen in my life and I was so thrilled to finally meet him. I fell instantly in love with him.

Present: Maxwell turned 5 years old yesterday and couldn't be happier with himself or with life. The day started out with a breakfast of German Pancakes - which he requested. (Yum) As a special treat, Daddy rushed home during lunch and delivered him to school where he got to bring chocolate chip cookies and soy milk to his class for snack time. (He and Daddy made the cookies on Sunday.)

While Max was at school, I got to work frosting his cake which I'd made the night before. It's hard to work on these types of projects when he's home because he always wants to help. Which is great, but there are some things I just can't relinquish artistic control of, i.e. Birthday cakes and my calendar. (Only I get to write on it. Sorry, your handwriting just isn't good enough!)

When I picked him up we went straight to the store to get a few more party supplies. He got to pick his own pack of Extra Watermelon gum and TRIED to weasel quite a few more treats out of me when he realized I gave in to the first one.

Next we headed home where Max immediately went to check the mail box. He was thrilled to find two cards with his name on them and even happier when one had 5 dollars in it.

Don't think I'm a bad mom when I tell you the next part. I made him take a nap. (Sam too.) I knew the next few hours would be torture for both of us and he claimed he didn't want to watch a movie, so what's a mom to do? I told him it was so he could "stay up later" and he was fine with it.

At 6:30 p.m. his party started. While the kids were arriving, Max turned on his current favorite movie "The Polar Express". Once they were all here, we headed upstairs to decorate Gingerbread (Graham Cracker) Houses.

A fun time was had by all and MUCH sugar was consumed. (All totally sanctioned - even encouraged - by the supervising Pediatric Dentist.)

More merriment ensued as we had cake and ice cream and opened presents. Max got some super cool new toys and loves every single one of them. He's playing with them even as I type.

It's sure been a great five years! We all love you, Birthday Boy!!!!!


  1. Happy Birthday Max!!!

    Emily, I don't even know where to start...THE CAKE IS SOOOO AMAZING! I need to come out for a cake lesson sometime! The party looked like fun and the houses were darling! What fun! AND - can you believe that the flashback happened 5 years ago?!!?

  2. did Max get Camden's ecard? He loved picking it out and since I'm a slacker with the the postal system, that was the only way to ensure he got a card from us ON his birthday! I sent it to your gmail address. Let me know!

  3. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Happy Birthday Max!!


    Max is sooooo not 5 yet. What are you talking about?

  5. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Nice Snowman E. You are getting so amazing with your culinary skills. There wasn't any peanut butter inside that cake was there??

  6. Anonymous12:48 PM

    That is the COOLEST cake I have ever seen. How in the world did you do it? I really can't figure it out! Happy Bday Max. We miss you.

  7. like everyone else, I am in love with that cake! I'm sure you could make a little money on the side with skills like that...
    Happy birthday Maxie!

  8. Anonymous8:25 PM

    what? you made gingerbread houses without us!?

  9. Anonymous10:22 AM

    wow, it's hard to believe you had him 5 years ago! whoa. it's great i read this post when my baby boy is kicking me like crazy. gets me excited. :)

  10. Darling cake and birthday ideas! I have never seen or heard of one like it. How did you make it? Very creative. Love those hands on birthday parties!

    Sybrina S.


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