Nov 26, 2006


This year The Significant Other and I celebrated our very first family-less Thanksgiving. Sad, I know. But what's really sad is that we had to do all the cooking ourselves!! Between the two of us, we were in charge of the WHOLE MEAL!

Considering this, I think all the food turned out pretty dang good. In fact, I've been enjoying the leftovers immensely!!! (And we only missed our target eating time by about 30 minutes!)

I made the Turkey, Stuffing, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, Green Bean Casserole, and (of course) Peanut Butter Pie. Chef D and his cooking side-kick/assistant, Max, made the pie crusts, Jell-o and delicious (very labor intensive) Parker House Rolls. (I'm salivating just thinking about it.) Happily, we had some good friends over to help us celebrate the day and eat some of the food!

The day after Thanksgiving, we got busy preparing for Christmas! First, Bargain Shopper D got up at the crack of pre-dawn to hit a few sales and get some shopping done. Someone had to stay with the boys and since I'm a BIT early-morning-waking-up-challenged, that job fell to me. He came home with some very nice things for himself and instructed me to wrap them. (Way to go Me, for getting him just what he wanted!)

Later in the day, all the pumpkins disappeared and red and green boxes were retrieved from the storage room and dusted off.

Saturday morning we headed to a tree farm to pick our tree* and then spent all afternoon and evening decorating it and the house.

Let me amend that a bit...I decorated all day, my husband went to watch the BYU/Utah football game THEN came home and helped. (F.Y.I. BYU won. "and there was much rejoicing...yeaaaah!")

We got 700 lights put up and then the boys joined in to help put on the ornaments. (While simultaneously staring at "The Polar Express" d.v.d.)

(Ahh...that's a great picture. The little posers!)

I have to say I love our tree. The next picture just doesn't do it justice. It's so pretty!!! I know my friend Ginger will say I'm a tree murderer, but I say, our tree is fulfilling the purpose of its creation. And doing it quite splendidly I might add. (The same goes for the Thanksgiving turkey we just ate. umm....turrrkeyyy!)

After all that work, now we get to sit back enjoy the Christmas holidays! So bring on the Neil Diamond Carols and fruit cake! The Dubs are ready for the Christmas season to begin!

*If you'd like a fabulous description of the experience, see this blog. You'll have to search the Nov. archives to find the November 11th entry but it's worth it. No need for me to duplicate effort.


  1. Wow, lots to comment on! WAY TO GO on the Thanksgiving meal! It made me hungry just reading about it!! AND - way to go on the Christmas prep! Tree looks great, and the boys look great, too!

  2. Anonymous1:05 PM

    yeah congrats on that t-day dinner. it makes me nervous just thinking about making it (fortunately my family is 15 minutes away so i haven't had to do it yet). i'm not that great of a cook, so you see why i'd be nervous. =)

    fun fun!

  3. Anonymous2:50 PM

    D hit the early morning "Black Friday" sales? What have you done to my brother. He used to be such a wondrful little boy.
    I was also shocked to hear that you have already ushered in the Christmas season. Just this past Sunday I was mocking all of the people here that already had their trees up. Little did I know. Rest ashured we will drive by your house and continue to mock. We don't want you to feel left out now do we?

  4. Anonymous3:57 PM

    She forgot to mention that I actually didn't get to watch the football game. I got paged after being their for ten minutes and had to go to the hospital to splint an avulsed tooth! So after that I drove home calling my friend to get the 10 minute update as BYU pulled off an awsome win...which I missed!!!!

  5. Anytime post Thanksgiving is perfectly reasonable for tree set-up. Anytime before is questionable. You're just jealous, Underhill!

  6. Anonymous9:29 AM

    "Mommy, everybody has their Christmas stuff up cept' us" whines SW. "Cept' isn't a word!" corrects AW. We're trying to wait until Dec. 1st but after shopping on Monday (not Saturday like freaks do) - I'm ready to put it up, wrap it up and start celebrating. The domesticity that emanates from this blog is frightening. Way to go you peanut butter girl.

  7. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Tree looks beautiful! Will it be a White Christmas for you guys? Also, sounds like the yard sales in RI rock. I've gotta come for a visit.
    I need your address in Rhode Island. Email me, please. Obviously, I also need your new email address. Again.
    Matt almost peed his pants watching that game, and has been giddy ever since.

  8. Instead of posting the specific link, you instructed everyone to scroll through November. This ensures that anyone interested will have to scroll right past the humiliating underpants post. Thanks a lot:)
    And my sister thanks you as well.

  9. Anonymous1:47 PM

    I didn't know you guys liked the Neil Diamond Christmas CD too. That is one of our favorites! Your tree is beautiful. I just want to know why your kids aren't even wearing coats while Christmas Tree Hunting and we were BUNDLED up and still freezing in OR? Weird. I'm starting to think I don't know anything about the east coast.


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