Oct 26, 2006

Baby Update!

I just got a call from my brother-in-law who had some very exciting news. He's a New Father! (Which, by default, makes his fabulous wife a New Mother.)

Eden Claire Kristin Dub was born this afternoon, and though I have no proof, I'd wager she's beautiful. She was born at 1:58 this afternoon and is 7lbs 8ozs. Mother, Baby and Father are all doing fine. (I asked if he could still look his wife in the face after witnessing childbirth and he says "yes" so he gets two thumbs up!)

In other baby news, today I am 12 weeks along. I'm hoping this means that as of tomorrow I will no longer be heaving over the kitchen garbage can. (It kinda stinks when you get your head right down in there...which kinda makes the problem worse.) ANYWAY, according to this site, here's what's going on:

You may actually start feeling better from your extreme tiredness and nausea this week. Others will hang on to it for awhile longer. (That is SO not going to be me!) Your abdomen may start expanding, especially if this is not your first pregnancy.
(Um, yeah...)
S/he weighs about 14 grams and is approximately 3.54 inches in total length.
Your baby has its reflexes and also practice movements in the digestive tract. All of this in preparation for extrauterine life.
If your practitioner uses a doppler, you may be able to hear your baby's heart beat at this office visit. It will sound very fast. Some say that they hear clicking or the sounds of horse hooves. Either way it is a joyous sound to hear! Your risk of miscarriage is greatly reduced once you hear this sound.

Consider joining a support group...
(I think that pretty much just sums things up.)


  1. yay for baby eden! and here's hoping you feel better soon!

  2. Hooray for Edin!

    And hooray for pregnancy.about - that's my favorite pregnancy website! Hope that the sickness goes away soon!

  3. that baby has lots of names!


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