Sep 8, 2006

Last Weekend

Last weekend we were invited to attend the wedding of one of Doug's co-residents.

She got married in Canandaigua which is in Upstate New York. A few minutes away is Palmyra where we ended up staying for two nights in the lovely Palmyra Inn. Here are the highlights:

Day 1: We visited the Hill Cumorah, and the Joseph Smith Farm in a torrential down pour. Got wet. Saw the beautiful Palmyra Temple and took a tour of the Grandin Building where the first 5,000 copies of the Book of Mormon were published. Had to chase boys the whole time and stressed out the Sister Missionary giving the tour. Glad to have left some of the artifacts intact when we left.

Got yummy New York pizza for dinner then went hot-tubbing at the hotel where we were joined by friends attending the same wedding.

Day 2: Got up and drove to the wedding breakfast. Found out it wasn't until the following day. Felt stupid. Left and went back to Palmyra for church. Stayed long enough for Sam to poop and for us to realize we left the wipes in the hotel. Felt stupid again. (We don't say stupid! Say three nice things...!)

*That afternoon while the boys relaxed, I got to walk around the Sacred Grove which was literally just around the corner from our hotel. It is an extremely beautiful place and I'm glad I got to go sans boys!*

Day 2 Afternoon: Drove to our very first Catholic Wedding, which even included Mass. It was really cool and the bride looked smokin' hot! It was just like on T.V.! Processional, cute tiny boy bearing ring, wedding march, ...the works. My boys looked adorable and even managed not to throw any fits in the Cathedral. (whew!)

Day 2 Evening: Went to reception at extremely nice Inn next to extremely beautiful "finger lake". Tried to keep Max from pulling down tent. Narrowly averted Sam's determination to spread bride's dress with ketchup. Succeeded...barely. Enjoyed yummy food and "Shirley Temple's". Left exhausted.

Day 3: Got up and drove to the wedding breakfast. Got to eat this time. Drove Northeast to Niagara Falls. Discovered that the town of Niagara Falls is an ARMPIT! (You thought Truckee was bad!) Entered the beautiful State Park and felt better.

*It's really cool seeing the falls even if I was a tiny bit worried about one of my small sons hopping a fence and getting swept away without so much as a barrell for protection. (I really am getting quite paranoid in my old age.)*

Got to see a huge waterfall up close. Got wet...again. Left for home after seeing all there was to see.


  1. Anonymous12:57 PM

    wow, sounds like quite the adventure! note to self, when travelling to church history sights -- go without kiddies! was it snowing at nigara or what?!?

  2. Nope...that's spray coming up from the falls.

  3. something's not right because i can't even see the pics of the falls.

  4. i see it! i see it!


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