Aug 17, 2006

The Bears and Six Years!!!

It has been a really great week!!! Sunday night our good friends came from Michigan to visit. The "Bear Family" lived two doors (20 feet) down from us in San Francisco and we used to see them every day. They have two kids and their oldest is the same age as Sammy.

In fact, it's been really hard not having them nearby because now my boys have nowhere to go when I take a shower in the morning. Kim and I used to trade off watching all the kids so the other could get ready without fear of the house being torn apart or set on fire. (That's why I've given it up and am getting in touch with my "earthy" side.) We had so much fun with them sight-seeing, hanging out, playing games, and letting the kids play together...I hardly know what to do with myself now that they're gone!

Anyway, yesterday Dr. Dub and I celebrated our 6th anniversary and they got to be here for it! Six years ago we were married in the San Diego of the prettiest places in the world. We all went to dinner last night at a Seafood place down the street...four adults and four kids. It was great. They left this morning and it's very quiet here without them!!!

Luckily I have my anniversary present to console me. My gift this year was a little unexpected but extremely awesome. I've been telling the hubby we need to get something for our back yard to keep the kids entertained. After all, it's a big yard, completely fenced, and just waiting for something wildly fun to fill it. Yesterday I got my wish. D-Dub bought me a trampoline!!! It's huge! It's awesome! It's fun! I LOVE IT!!! I'm tempted to have a slumber party on it tonight like I did as a kid. Who knew 6 was the trampoline anniversary?!? Even better then the trampoline, though, was my second gift. (What could be better then a trampoline, you ask? I'll tell you...)

He also wrote me a poem which made me cry! I'd let y'all read it but it's none of your dang business. You can, however, come jump on my trampoline sometime. If you're lucky... me!


  1. Too bad our whole yard is sloped and the only place we could fit a 15 foot anniversary present was wedged between our fence (picket...good for impaling) our deck.
    I bounced mini me on it today and pretty much sprained his ankle, whoops!

  2. Hey, if I go to BYU and you come to visit in Utah, will you bring the trampoline so I can go jump on it in the middle of the desert?

  3. Sounds like fun. I was glad to hear that the second present that you were refering to was a poem because when you said that what could be better than jumping on a trampoline my mind went a different way. :) congrats, can't belive that its been six years.

  4. Congrats on your anniversary!! Hooray! Have fun on the tramp!

  5. just thinking about the good times. by good times, you know i mean turkey hill ice cream!

  6. Whoever you are "freefallin", YES. You can sleep on our tramp.


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