Jul 7, 2006

New York On My Mind

Observations of NYC:

1. People are no more rude here than anywhere else. In fact, most people I've talked to have been extremely friendly and helpful. Especially the dog walker who got me un-lost and the chatty guy in the laundry room who was whistling "My Fair Lady" songs the the mom who pointed me to the nearest food place.

2. There is a serious garbage problem here. Piles of garbage wait outside buildings for indeterminate amounts of time, rotting away in the heat. I'm not throwing stones, because I don't know what to do about it, I'm just saying...

3. There seem to be fewer homeless people here. At least in Manhattan. There are lots of "performers" down in the subway, but seemingly far fewer then we used to encounter in San Francisco. (I guess maybe they don't give out really large cash hand-outs like in S.F.)

4. I didn't think it possible to find somewhere more expensive then S.F., but this is the place. I almost passed-out the first time I went grocery/drug store shopping here. $10 for a tube of toothpaste? I'll brush with sand before I pay that much. $8 for less than a half gallon of ice cream? I'm now on a diet. (It's probably for the best to stop eating ice cream since I'm out of toothpaste. .We're currently using Maxwell's Sparkle Crest.)

5. A lot of women do not wear bras here, and frankly, I don't blame them. It's really hot and humid outside!!!!! (But it sure ain't pretty.)

6. I don't really have another one, but I don't want to end on the bra thing. Fact is, we're still having a great time despite the smelly garbage and bralessness. There I go again. On a positive note, there's a stand nearby that sells candied cashews and almonds and they smell REALLY GOOD!!! (and taste good, for that matter.) And with that, I'm finished!!!

7. I thought of one more tonight while we were out exploring. This place is NOT "handicapped accessible." Which means it is NOT "Parents-with-kids-in-large-bulky-hard-to-collapse-strollers accessible." I shudder to think how people actually confined to wheel chairs get around in this city. Certainly not on the subway!

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