Jul 8, 2006

It's Official (or Visit to the Statue of Liberty)

I'm afraid of heights. Living on the third floor (with a balcony) started it. Visiting the Empire State Building yesterday accelerated it. Going to the Statue of Liberty today cemented it.

We took the ferry this morning and went up to the the top of the base. Looking over the granite wall made me seriously nauseated. And seeing either of my off-spring looking over the edge made me want to cry. I don't know what my problem is. When I was 13, I had to go to the top of the Eiffel Tower by myself while my dad stayed at the bottom. I thought he was such a wuss. (Which he is, but now evidently I'm one too.)

So anyway, we saw the Statue today and it's very beautiful and has a very cool history. (And I now have another mental health issue.) When we got back over to the city, we started wandering and happened upon the NYSE on Wall Street. Max liked the gigantic "stawo spangoed banno".

This evening I got to do a session at the Manhattan Temple. It is VERY beautiful inside with some awesome leaded glass. When I came out, I called DW and he told me to come join him and boys at the park.

When I found them, the boys were sword fighting with borrowed Light Saber's supervised by a couple we've never met, and D was learning to Tango in the midst of a giant free dance lesson. Hmmm...

D is a quick study and I've Tangoed before, (with sweaty Brother Elton) so we got a little dancing in while the strangers babysat and took pictures for us. They were a really nice couple from Tennessee who just happened to have a dog and two light sabers making them instant bestfriends to my boys.

What a fabulous way to end our last day! Tomorrow after church, we're going to head back to Rhode Island. Hopefully the trip wont take 8 hours this time.

After this, it may be a few days before I post again since I wont have Internet access. (Or anything exciting to write about for that matter.) Try not to miss us too much. Dug will probably update his blog in the next week if you get desperate. ;) Thanks for the memories, New York!!!


  1. tango lessons? wow, there is much to talk about -- and lawyers to call. it could get messy but i'm affraid it is very necessary.

  2. Duuuuuude. Orange lightsaber? Tres awesome.


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